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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
even at the demand of the whole glorious Union. The trader, therefore, sat discon-
tentedly down, with his little accountbook, and put down the missing body and
soul under the head of “losses!”

“He’s a shocking creature, isn’t he;- this trader? so unfeeling! It’s dreadful, re-

“O, but nobody thinks anything of these traders! They are universally de-
spised,- never received into any decent society.”

But who, sir, makes the trader? Who is most to blame? The enlightened, culti-
vated, intelligent man, who supports the system of which the trader is the inevita-
ble result, or the poor trader himself? You make the public sentiment that calls for
this trade, that debauches and depraves him, till he feels no shame in it; and in
what are you better than he?

Are you educated and he ignorant, you high and he low, you refined and he
coarse, you talented and he simple?

In the day of a future Judgment, these very considerations may make it more
tolerable for him than for you.

In concluding these little incidents of lawful trade, we must beg the world not
to think that American legislators are entirely destitute of humanity, as might, per-
haps, be unfairly inferred from the great efforts made in our national body to pro-
tect and perpetuate this species of traffic.
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