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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“They won’t want the young ‘un on a plantation,” said the man.

“I shall sell him, first chance I find,” said Haley, lighting another cigar.

“S’pose you’d be selling him tol’able cheap,” said the stranger, mounting the
pile of boxes, and sitting down comfortably.

“Don’t know ‘bout that,” said Haley; “he’s a pretty smart young ‘un,- straight,
fat, strong; flesh as hard as a brick!”

“Very true, but then there’s all the bother and expense of raisin’.”

“Nonsense!” said Haley; “they is raised as easy as any kind of critters there is
going; they an’t a bit more trouble than pups. This yer chap will be running all
round, in a month.”

“I’ve got a good place for raisin’, and I thought of takin’ in a little more
stock,” said the man. “Our cook lost a young ‘un last week,- got drownded in a
wash-tub, while she was a hangin’ out clothes,- and I reckon it would be well
enough to set ther to raisin’ this yer.”

Haley and the stranger smoked a while in silence, neither seeming willing to
broach the test question of the interview. At last the man resumed:

“You wouldn’t think of wantin’ more than ten dollars for that ar chap, seeing
you must get him off yer hand, anyhow?”

Haley shook his head, and spit impressively.

“That won’t do, no ways,” he said, and began his smoking again.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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