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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Haley made a turn or two about the boat, and then, coming up, seated himself
near her, and began saying something to her in an indifferent undertone.

Tom soon noticed a heavy cloud passing over the woman’s brow; and that she
answered rapidly, and with great vehemence.

“I don’t believe it,- I won’t believe it!” he heard her say. “You’re jist a-foolin’
with me.”

“If you won’t believe it, look here!” said the man, drawing out a paper: “this
yer’s the bill of sale, and there’s your master’s name to it; and I paid down good
solid cash for it, too, I can tell you,- so, now!”

“I don’t believe Mas’r would cheat me so; it can’t be true!” said the woman,
with increasing agitation.

“You can ask any of these men here, that can read writing. Here!” he said, to a
man that was passing by, “jist read this yer, won’t you! This yer gal won’t believe
me, when I tell her what ‘tis.”

“Why, it’s a bill of sale, signed by John Fosdick,” said the man, “making over
to you the girl Lucy and her child. It’s all straight enough, for aught I see.”

The woman’s passionate exclamations collected a crowd around her, and the
trader briefly explained to them the cause of the agitation.

“He told me that I was going down to Louisville, to hire out as cook to the
same tavern where my husband works,- that’s what Mas’r told me, his own self;
and I can’t believe he’d lie to me,” said the woman.
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