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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Now!” said Haley, pushing his three purchases together, and producing a
bundle of handcuffs, which he proceeded to put on their wrists; and fastening
each handcuff to a long chain, he drove them before him to the jail.

A few days saw Haley, with his possessions, safely deposited on one of the
Ohio boats. It was the commencement of his gang, to be augmented, as the boat
moved on, by various other merchandise of the same kind, which he, or his agent,
had stored for him in various points along shore.

The La Belle Riviere, as brave and beautiful a boat as ever walked the waters
of her namesake river, was floating gayly down the stream, under a brilliant sky,
the stripes and stars of free America waving and fluttering overhead; the guards
crowded with well-dressed ladies and gentlemen walking and enjoying the de-
lightful day. All was full of life, buoyant and rejoicing;- all but Haley’s gang, who
were stored, with other freight, on the lower deck, and who, somehow, did not
seem to appreciate their various privileges, as they sat in a knot, talking to each
other in low tones.

“Boys,” said Haley, coming up briskly, “I hope you keep up good heart, and
are cheerful. Now, no sulks, ye see; keep stiff upper lips, boys; do well by me,
and I’ll do well by you.”

The boys addressed responded the invariable “Yes, Mas’r,” for ages the watch-
word of poor Africa; but it’s to be owned they did not look particularly cheerful;
they had their various little prejudices in favor of wives, mothers, sisters, and chil-
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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