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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Come, now, young ‘un,” said the auctioneer, giving the boy a touch with his
hammer, “be up and show your springs, now.”

“Put us two up togedder, togedder,- do please, Mas’r,” said the old woman,
holding fast to her boy.

“Be off,” said the man, gruffly, pushing her hands away; “you come last.
Now, darkey, spring;” and, with the word, he pushed the boy toward the block,
while a deep, heavy groan rose behind him. The boy paused, and looked back;
but there was no time to stay, and, dashing the tears from his large, bright eyes, he
was up in a moment.

His fine figure, alert limbs, and bright face, raised an instant competition, and
half a dozen bids simultaneously met the ear of the auctioneer. Anxious, half-
frightened, he looked from side to side, as he heard the clatter of contending bids,-
now here, now there,- till the hammer fell. Haley had got him. He was pushed
from the block toward his new master, but stopped one moment, and looked back,
when his poor old mother, trembling in every limb, held out her shaking hands to-
ward him.

“Buy me too, Mas’r, for de dear Lord’s sake!- buy me,- I shall die if you

“You’ll die if I do, that’s the kink of it,” said Haley, “no!” And he turned on
his heel.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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