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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
tumbled up and down in his mind,” and divided between his wish to help George,
and a certain confused notion of maintaining law and order; so, as he shambled
about, he delivered himself as follows:

“Well, George, I s’pose you’re running away-leaving your lawful master,-
George-(I don’t wonder at it)- at the same time, I’m sorry, George,- yes, decid-
edly-I think I must say that, George it’s my duty to tell you so.”

“Why are you sorry, sir?” said George, calmly.

“Why, to see you, as it were, setting yourself in opposition to the laws of your

“My country!” said George, with a strong and bitter emphasis; “what country
have I, but the grave,- and I wish to God that I was laid there!”

“Why, George, no-no-it won’t do; this way of talking is wicked-unscriptu-
ral. George, you’ve got a hard master-in fact, he is-well he conducts himself rep-
rehensibly-I can’t pretend to defend him. But you know how the angel
commanded Hagar to return to her mistress, and submit herself under her hand;
and the apostle sent back Onesimus to his master.”

“Don’t quote Bible at me in that way, Mr. Wilson,” said George, with a flash-
ing eye, “don’t! for my wife is a Christian, and I mean to be, if ever I get to where
I can; but to quote Bible to a fellow in my circumstances, is enough to make him
give it up altogether. I appeal to God Almighty;- I’m willing to go with the case
to Him, and ask Him if I do wrong to seek my freedom.”
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