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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
start and fix his eyes on him, and then suddenly withdraw them, as the bright,
dark eyes met his with such unconcerned coolness. At last, a sudden recollection
seemed to flash upon him, for he stared at the stranger with such an air of blank
amazement and alarm, that he walked up to him.

“Mr. Wilson, I think,” said he, in a tone of recognition, and extending his
hand. “I beg your pardon, I didn’t recollect you before. I see you remember me,-
Mr. Butler, of Oaklands, Shelby County.”

“Ye-yes-yes, sir,” said Mr. Wilson, like one speaking in a dream.

Just then a negro boy entered, and announced that Mas’r’s room was ready.

“Jim, see to the trunks,” said the gentleman, negligently; then addressing him-
self to Mr. Wilson, he added-“I should like to have a few moments’ conversation
with you on business, in my room, if you please.”

Mr. Wilson followed him, as one who walks in his sleep; and they proceeded
to a large upper chamber, where a new-made fire was crackling and various ser-
vants flying about, putting finishing touches to the arrangements.

When all was done, and the servants departed, the young man deliberately
locked the door, and putting the key in his pocket, faced about, and folding his
arms on his bosom, looked Mr. Wilson full in the face.

“George!” said Mr. Wilson.

“Yes, George,” said the young man.
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