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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Tom got in, and Haley, drawing out from under the wagon seat a heavy pair of
shackles, made them fast around each ankle.

A smothered groan of indignation ran through the whole circle, and Mrs.
Shelby spoke from the verandah,-

“Mr. Haley, I assure you that precaution is entirely unnecessary.”

“Do’n know, ma’am; I’ve lost one five hundred dollars from this yer place,
and I can’t afford to run no more risks.”

“What else could she spect on him?” said Aunt Chloe, indignantly, while the
two boys, who now seemed to comprehend at once their father’s destiny, clung to
her gown, sobbing and groaning vehemently.

“I’m sorry,” said Tom, “that Mas’r George happened to be away.”

George had gone to spend two or three days with a companion on a neighbor-
ing estate, and having departed early in the morning, before Tom’s misfortune had
been made public, had left without hearing of it.

“Give my love to Mas’r George,” he said, earnestly.

Haley whipped up the horse, and, with a steady, mournful look, fixed to the
last on the old place, Tom was whirled away.

Mr. Shelby at this time was not at home. He had sold Tom under the spur of a
driving necessity, to get out of the power of a man whom he dreaded,- and his
first feeling, after the consummation of the bargain, had been that of relief. But
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe

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