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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Know, then, innocent eastern friend, that in benighted regions of the west,
where the mud is of unfathomable and sublime depth, roads are made of round
rough logs, arranged transversely side by side, and coated over in their pristine
freshness with earth, turf, and whatsoever may come to hand, and then the rejoic-
ing native calleth it a road, and straightway essayeth to ride thereupon. In process
of time, the rains wash off all the turf and grass aforesaid, move the logs hither
and thither, in picturesque positions, up, down, and crosswise, with divers chasms
and ruts of black mud intervening.

Over such a road as this our senator went stumbling along, making moral re-
flections as continuously as under the circumstances could be expected,- the car-
riage proceeding along much as follows,- bump! bump! bump! slush! down in the
mud!- the senator, woman, and child, reversing their positions so suddenly as to
come, without any very accurate adjustment, against the windows of the down-
hill side. Carriage sticks fast, while Cudjoe on the outside is heard making a great
muster among the horses.

After various ineffectual pullings and twitchings, just as the senator is losing
all patience, the carriage suddenly rights itself with a bounce,- two front wheels
go down into another abyss, and senator, woman, and child, all tumble promiscu-
ously on to the front seat,- senator’s hat is jammed over his eyes and nose quite
unceremoniously, and he considers himself fairly extinguished;- child cries, and
Cudjoe on the outside delivers animated addresses to the horses, who are kicking,
and floundering, and straining, under repeated cracks of the whip. Carriage
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