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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
Mrs. Bird hastily deposited the various articles she had collected in a small
plain trunk, and locking it, desired her husband to see it in the carriage, and then
proceeded to call the woman. Soon, arrayed in a cloak, bonnet, and shawl, that
had belonged to her benefactress, she appeared at the door with her child in her
arms. Mr. Bird hurried her into the carriage, and Mrs. Bird pressed on after her to
the carriage steps. Eliza leaned out of the carriage, and put out her hand,- a hand
as soft and beautiful as was given in return. She fixed her large, dark eyes, full of
earnest meaning, on Mrs. Bird’s face, and seemed going to speak. Her lips
moved,- she tried once or twice, but there was no sound,- and pointing upward,
with a look never to be forgotten, she fell back in the seat, and covered her face.
The door was shut, and the carriage drove on.

What a situation, now, for a patriotic senator, that had been all the week be-
fore spurring up the legislature of his native state to pass more stringent resolu-
tions against escaping fugitives, their harborers and abettors!

Our good senator in his native state had not been exceeded by any of his breth-
ren at Washington, in the sort of eloquence which has won for them immortal re-
nown! How sublimely he had sat with his hands in his pockets, and scouted all
sentimental weakness of those who would put the welfare of a few miserable fugi-
tives before great state interests!

He was as bold as a lion about it, and “mightily convinced” not only himself,
but everybody that heard him;- but then his idea of a fugitive was only an idea of
the letters that spell the word,- or, at the most, the image of a little newspaper pic-
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