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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
John. You don’t believe it’s right any more than I do; and you wouldn’t do it any
sooner than I.”

At this critical juncture, old Cudjoe, the black man-of-all-work, put his head
in at the door, and wished “Missis would come into the kitchen;” and our senator,
tolerably relieved, looked after his little wife with a whimsical mixture of amuse-
ment and vexation, and, seating himself in the arm-chair, began to read the papers.

After a moment, his wife’s voice was heard at the door, in a quick, earnest
tones-“John! John! I do wish you’d come here, a moment.”

He laid down his paper, and went into the kitchen, and started, quite amazed
at the sight that presented itself:- A young and slender woman, with garments
torn and frozen, with one shoe gone, and the stocking torn away from the cut and
bleeding foot, was laid back in a deadly swoon upon two chairs. There was the
impress of the despised race on her face, yet none could help feeling its mournful
and pathetic beauty, while its stony sharpness, its cold, fixed, deathly aspect,
struck a solemn chill over him. He drew his breath short, and stood in silence. His
wife, and their only colored domestic, old Aunt Dinah, were busily engaged in re-
storative measures; while old Cudjoe had got the boy on his knee, and was busy
pulling off his shoes and stockings, and chafing his little cold feet.

“Sure, now, if she an’t a sight to behold!” said old Dinah, compassionately;
“’pears like ‘twas the heat that made her faint. She was tol’able peart when she
cum in, and asked if she couldn’t warm herself here a spell; and I was just a
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