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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
every conceivable mathematical figure, chicken wings, gizzards, and drumsticks,
all appeared in picturesque confusion; and Sam, as monarch of all he surveyed,
sat with his palm-leaf cocked rejoicingly to one side, and patronizing Andy at his
right hand.

The kitchen was full of all his compeers, who had hurried and crowded in,
from the various cabins, to hear the termination of the day’s exploits. Now was
Sam’s hour of glory. The story of the day was rehearsed, with all kinds of orna-
ment and varnishing which might be necessary to heighten its effect; for Sam,
like some of our fashionable dilettanti, never allowed a story to lose any of its
gilding by passing through his hands. Roars of laughter attended the narration,
and were taken up and prolonged by all the smaller fry, who were lying, in any
quantity, about on the floor, or perched in every corner. In the height of the uproar
and laughter, Sam, however, preserved an immovable gravity, only from time to
time rolling his eyes up, and giving his auditors divers inexpressibly droll
glances, without departing from the sententious elevation of his oratory.

“Yer see, fellow-countrymen,” said Sam, elevating a turkey’s leg, with energy,
“yer see now, what dis yer chile’s up ter, for ‘fendin’ yer all,- yes, all on yer. For
him as tries to get one o’ our people, is as good as tryin’ to get all; yer see the
principle’s de same,- dat ar’s clar. And any one’o these yer drivers that comes
smelling round arter any our people, why, he’s got me in his way; I’m the feller
he’s got to set in with,- I’m the feller for yer all to come to, bredren,- I’ll stand up
for yer rights,- I’ll ‘fend ‘em to the last breath!”
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