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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“That ar’s a consideration,” said Marks. “Our dogs tore a feller half to pieces,
once, down in Mobile, ‘fore we could get ‘em off.”

“Well, ye see, for this sort that’s to be sold for their looks, that ar won’t an-
swer, ye see,” said Haley.

“I do see,” said Marks. “Besides, if she’s got took in, ‘tan’t no go, neither.
Dogs is no ‘count in these yer up states where these critters gets carried; of
course, ye can’t get on their track. They only does down in plantations, where nig-
gers, when they runs, has to do their own running, and don’t get no help.”

“Well,” said Loker, who had just stepped out to the bar to make some inquir-
ies, “they say the man’s come with the boat; so, Marks-”

That worthy cast a rueful look at the comfortable quarters he was leaving, but
slowly rose to obey. After exchanging a few words of further arrangement, Haley,
with visible reluctance, handed over the fifty dollars to Tom, and the worthy trio
separated for the night.

If any of our refined and Christian readers object to the society into which this
scene introduces them, let us beg them to begin and conquer their prejudices in
time. The catching business, we beg to remind them, is rising to the dignity of a
lawful and patriotic profession. If all the broad land between the Mississippi and
the Pacific becomes one great market for bodies and souls, and human property
retains the locomotive tendencies of this nineteenth century, the trader and catcher
may yet be among our aristocracy.
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