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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
“Wal,” said Haley, “if I gives you the job, it’s worth something,- say ten per
cent. on the profits, expenses paid.”

“Now,” said Loker, with a tremendous oath, and striking the table with his
heavy fist, “don’t I know you, Dan Haley? Don’t you think to come it over me!
Suppose Marks and I have taken up the catchin’ trade, jest to ‘commodate gentle-
men like you, and get nothin’ for ourselves?- Not by a long chalk! we’ll have the
gal out and out, and you keep quiet, or, ye see, we’ll have both,- what’s to hinder?
Han’t you show’d us the game? It’s as free to us as you, I hope. If you or Shelby
wants to chase us, look where the partridges was last year; if you find them or us,
you’re quite welcome.”

“O, wal, certainly, jest let it go at that,” said Haley, alarmed; “you catch the
boy for the job;- you allers did trade far with me, Tom, and was up to yer word.”

“Ye know that,” said Tom; “I don’t pretend none of your snivelling ways, but
I won’t lie in my ‘counts with the devil himself. What I ses I’ll do, I will do,- you
know that, Dan Haley.”

“Jes so, jes so,- I said so, Tom,” said Haley; “and if you’d only promise to
have the boy for me in a week, at any point you’ll name, that’s all I want.”

“But it an’t all I want, by a long jump,” said Tom. “Ye don’t think I did busi-
ness with you, down in Natchez, for nothing, Haley; I’ve learned to hold an eel,
when I catch him. You’ve got to fork over fifty dollars, flat down, or this child
don’t start a peg. I know yer.”
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