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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Uncle Tom's Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe
ligion, and one of these days, when I’ve got matters tight and snug, I calculates to
tend to my soul and them ar matters; and so what’s the use of doin’ any more
wickedness than’s re’lly necessary?- it don’t seem to me it’s ‘tall prudent.”

“Tend to your soul!” repeated Tom, contemptuously; “take a bright lookout to
find a soul in you,- save yourself any care on that score. If the devil sifts you
through a hair sieve, he won’t find one.”

“Why, Tom, you’re cross,” said Haley; “why can’t ye take it pleasant, now,
when a feller’s talking for your good?”

“Stop that ar jaw o’ yourn, there,” said Tom, gruffly. “I can stand ‘most any
talk o’ yourn but your pious talk,- that kills me right up. After all, what’s the odds
between me and you? ‘Tan’t that you care one bit more, or have a bit more
feelin’,- it’s clean, sheer, dog meanness, wanting to cheat the devil and save your
own skin; don’t I see through it? And your ‘gettin’ religion,’ as you call it, arter
all, is too p’isin mean for any crittur;- run up a bill with the devil all your life, and
then sneak out when pay-time comes! Boh!”

“Come, come, gentlemen, I say; this isn’t business,” said Marks. “There’s dif-
ferent ways, you know, of looking at all subjects. Mr. Haley is a very nice man,
no doubt, and has his own conscience; and, Tom, you have your ways, and very
good ones, too, Tom; but quarrelling, you know, won’t answer no kind of pur-
pose. Let’s go to business. Now, Mr. Haley, what is it?- you want us to undertake
to catch this yer gal?”
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