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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191

Besides, do any of us understand what we are doing? If we did,
would we ever do it?


Very clever, Higgins; but not sound sense.

(To Eliza)

Miss Doolittle-




There! Thats all youll get out of Eliza. Ah-ah-ow-oo! No
use explaining. As a military man you ought to know that. Give
her her orders: thats what she wants. Eliza: you are to live
here for the next six months, learning how to speak
beautifully, like a lady in a florist’s shop. If youre good and
do whatever youre told, you shall sleep in a proper bedroom,
and have lots to eat, and money to buy chocolates and take
rides in taxis. If youre naughty and idle you will sleep in the
back kitchen among the black beetles, and be walloped by Mrs
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191

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