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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191

ered that there was money in asparagus; and asparagus led to other vegetables),
had an air which stamped the business as classy; and in private life he was still
Frederick Eynsford Hill, Esquire. Not that there was any swank about him: no-
body but Eliza knew that he had been christened Frederick Challoner. Eliza her-
self swanked like anything.

That is all. That is how it has turned out. It is astonishing how much Eliza still
manages to meddle in the housekeeping at Wimpole Street in spite of the shop
and her own family. And it is notable that though she never nags her husband,
and frankly loves the Colonel as if she were his favorite daughter, she has never
got out of the habit of nagging Higgins that was established on the fatal night
when she won his bet for him. She snaps his head off on the faintest provocation,
or on none. He no longer dares to tease her by assuming an abysmal inferiority of
Freddy’s mind to his own. He storms and bullies and derides; but she stands up to
him so ruthlessly that the Colonel has to ask her from time to time to be kinder to
Higgins; and it is the only request of his that brings a mulish expression into her
face. Nothing but some emergency or calamity great enough to break down all
likes and dislikes, and throw them both back on their common humanity-and
may they be spared any such trial!- will ever alter this. She knows that Higgins
does not need her, just as her father did not need her. The very scrupulousness
with which he told her that day that he had become used to having her there, and
dependent on her for all sorts of little services, and that he should miss her if she
went away (it would never have occurred to Freddy or the Colonel to say any-
thing of the sort) deepens her inner certainty that she is “no more to him than
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191

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