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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191

up Eliza in her obstinate refusal to believe that they could save money by engag-
ing a bookkeeper with some knowledge of the business. How, they argued, could
you possibly save money by going to extra expense when you already could not
make both ends meet? But the Colonel, after making the ends meet over and over
again, at last gently insisted; and Eliza, humbled to the dust by having to beg
from him so often, and stung by the uproarious derision of Higgins, to whom the
notion of Freddy succeeding at anything was a joke that never palled, grasped the
fact that business, like phonetics, has to be learned.

On the piteous spectacle of the pair spending their evenings in shorthand
schools and polytechnic classes, learning bookkeeping and typewriting with in-
cipient junior clerks, male and female, from the elementary schools, let me not
dwell. There were even classes at the London School of Economics, and a hum-
ble personal appeal to the director of that institution to recommend a course bear-
ing on the flower business. He, being a humorist, explained to them the method of
the celebrated Dickensian essay on Chinese Metaphysics by the gentleman who
read an article on China and an article on Metaphysics and combined the informa-
tion. He suggested that they should combine the London School with Kew Gar-
dens. Eliza, to whom the procedure of the Dickensian gentleman seemed
perfectly correct (as in fact it was) and not in the least funny (which was only her
ignorance), took the advice with entire gravity. But the effort that cost her the
deepest humiliation was a request to Higgins, whose pet artistic fancy, next to Mil-
ton’s verse, was calligraphy, and who himself wrote a most beautiful Italian hand,
that he would teach her to write. He declared that she was congenitally incapable
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191

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