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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191

cere human contact. In the radiance of these discoveries, and the tumult of their
reaction, she made a fool of herself as freely and conspicuously as when she so
rashly adopted Eliza’s expletive in Mrs Higgins’s drawing room; for the new-born
Wellsian had to find her bearings almost as ridiculously as a baby; but nobody
hates a baby for its ineptitudes, or thinks the worse of it for trying to eat the
matches; and Clara lost no friends by her follies. They laughed at her to her face
this time; and she had to defend herself and fight it out as best she could.

When Freddy paid a visit to Earlscourt (which he never did when he could
possibly help it) to make the desolating announcement that he and his Eliza were
thinking of blackening the Largelady scutcheon by opening a shop, he found the
little household already convulsed by a prior announcement from Clara that she
also was going to work in an old furniture shop in Dover Street, which had been
started by a fellow Wellsian. This appointment Clara owed, after all, to her old so-
cial accomplishment of Push. She had made up her mind that, cost what it might,
she would see Mr Wells in the flesh; and she had achieved her end at a garden
party. She had better luck than so rash an enterprise deserved. Mr Wells came up
to her expectations. Age had not withered him, nor could custom stale his infinite
variety in half an hour. His pleasant neatness and compactness, his small hands
and feet, his teeming ready brain, his unaffected accessibility, and a certain fine
apprehensiveness which stamped him as susceptible from his topmost hair to his
tipmost toe, proved irresistible. Clara talked of nothing else for weeks and weeks
afterwards. And as she happened to talk to the lady of the furniture shop, and that
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191

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