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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191

ure, had never seen herself in either light; for, though to some extent ridiculed and
mimicked in West Kensington like everybody else there, she was accepted as a ra-
tional and normal-or shall we say inevitable?- sort of human being. At worst they
called her The Pusher; but to them no more than to herself had it ever occurred
that she was pushing the air, and pushing it in a wrong direction. Still, she was
not happy. She was growing desperate. Her one asset, the fact that her mother was
what the Epsom greengrocer called a carriage lady, had no exchange value, appar-
ently. It had prevented her from getting educated, because the only education she
could have afforded was education with the Earlscourt greengrocer’s daughter. It
had led her to seek the society of her mother’s class; and that class simply would
not have her, because she was much poorer than the greengrocer, and, far from be-
ing able to afford a maid, could not afford even a housemaid, and had to scrape
along at home with an illiberally treated general servant. Under such circum-
stances nothing could give her an air of being a genuine product of Largelady
Park. And yet its tradition made her regard a marriage with anyone within her
reach as an unbearable humiliation. Commercial people and professional people
in a small way were odious to her. She ran after painters and novelists; but she did
not charm them; and her bold attempts to pick up and practise artistic and literary
talk irritated them. She was, in short, an utter failure, an ignorant, incompetent,
pretentious, unwelcome, penniless, useless little snob; and though she did not ad-
mit these disqualifications (for nobody ever faces unpleasant truths of this kind
until the possibility of a way out dawns on them) she felt their effects too keenly
to be satisfied with her position.
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191

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