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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191

borne as a cross, which is worse. People who are not only weak, but silly or ob-
tuse as well, are often in these difficulties.

This being the state of human affairs, what is Eliza fairly sure to do when she
is placed between Freddy and Higgins? Will she look forward to a lifetime of
fetching Higgins’s slippers or to a lifetime of Freddy fetching hers? There can be
no doubt about the answer. Unless Freddy is biologically repulsive to her, and
Higgins biologically attractive to a degree that overwhelms all her other instincts,
she will, if she marries either of them, marry Freddy.

And that is just what Eliza did.
Complications ensued; but they were economic, not romantic. Freddy had no
money and no occupation. His mother’s jointure, a last relic of the opulence of
Largelady Park, had enabled her to struggle along in Earlscourt with an air of gen-
tility, but not to procure any serious secondary education for her children, much
less give the boy a profession. A clerkship at thirty shillings a week was beneath
Freddy’s dignity, and extremely distasteful to him besides. His prospects con-
sisted of a hope that if he kept up appearances somebody would do something for
him. The something appeared vaguely to his imagination as a private secretary-
ship or a sinecure of some sort. To his mother it perhaps appeared as a marriage
to some lady of means who could not resist her boy’s niceness. Fancy her feelings
when he married a flower girl who had become disclassed under extraordinary cir-
cumstances which were now notorious!

It is true that Eliza’s situation did not seem wholly ineligible. Her father,
though formerly a dustman, and now fantastically disclassed, had become ex-
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191

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