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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191

the makings of a married man in him, according to her conception of a husband
as one to whom she would be his nearest and fondest and warmest interest. Even
had there been no mother-rival, she would still have refused to accept an interest
in herself that was secondary to philosophic interests. Had Mrs Higgins died,
there would still have been Milton and the Universal Alphabet. Landor’s remark
that to those who have the greatest power of loving, love is a secondary affair,
would not have recommended Landor to Eliza. Put that along with her resentment
of Higgins’s domineering superiority, and her mistrust of his coaxing cleverness
in getting round her and evading her wrath when he had gone too far with his im-
petuous bullying, and you will see that Eliza’s instinct had good grounds for warn-
ing her not to marry her Pygmalion.

And now, whom did Eliza marry? For if Higgins was a predestinate old bache-
lor, she was most certainly not a predestinate old maid. Well, that can be told very
shortly to those who have not guessed it from the indications she has herself
given them.

Almost immediately after Eliza is stung into proclaiming her considered deter-
mination not to marry Higgins, she mentions the fact that young Mr Frederick
Eynsford Hill is pouring out his love for her daily through the post. Now Freddy
is young, practically twenty years younger than Higgins: he is a gentleman (or, as
Eliza would qualify him, a toff), and speaks like one; he is nicely dressed, is
treated by the Colonel as an equal, loves her unaffectedly, and is not her master,
nor ever likely to dominate her in spite of his advantage of social standing. Eliza
has no use for the foolish romantic tradition that all women love to be mastered, if
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191

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