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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191

Eliza, in telling Higgins she would not marry him if he asked her, was not co-
quetting: she was announcing a well-considered decision. When a bachelor inter-
ests, and dominates, and teaches, and becomes important to a spinster, as Higgins
with Eliza, she always, if she has character enough to be capable of it, considers
very seriously indeed whether she will play for becoming that bachelor’s wife, es-
pecially if he is so little interested in marriage that a determined and devoted
woman might capture him if she set herself resolutely to do it. Her decision will
depend a good deal on whether she is really free to choose; and that, again, will
depend on her age and income. If she is at the end of her youth, and has no secu-
rity for her livelihood, she will marry him because she must marry anybody who
will provide for her. But at Eliza’s age a good-looking girl does not feel that pres-
sure: she feels free to pick and choose. She is therefore guided by her instinct in
the matter. Eliza’s instinct tells her not to marry Higgins. It does not tell her to
give him up. It is not in the slightest doubt as to his remaining one of the strong-
est personal interests in her life. It would be very sorely strained if there was an-
other woman likely to supplant her with him. But as she feels sure of him on that
last point, she has no doubt at all as to her course, and would not have any, even if
the difference of twenty years in age, which seems so great to youth, did not exist
between them.

As our own instincts are not appealed to by her conclusion, let us see whether
we cannot discover some reason in it. When Higgins excused his indifference to
young women on the ground that they had an irresistible rival in his mother, he
gave the clue to his inveterate old-bachelordom. The case is uncommon only to
<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw

Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191

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