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Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191 Eliza to have the shock of your news until she has made it up with these two gentlemen. Would you mind? DOOLITTLE As you wish, lady. Anything to help Henry to keep her off my hands. (He disappears through the window). - The parlor-maid answers the bell. Pickering sits down in Doolit- tle’s place. - MRS HIGGINS Ask Miss Doolittle to come down, please. THE PARLOR-MAID Yes, maam. (She goes out). MRS HIGGINS Now, Henry: be good. HIGGINS I am behaving myself perfectly. Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191 |