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Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191 MRS HIGGINS It would have been more to the point if her mother had. But as her mother didnt something else did. PICKERING But what? MRS HIGGINS (unconsciously dating herself by the word) A problem. PICKERING Oh, I see. The problem of how to pass her off as a lady. HIGGINS I’ll solve that problem. Ive half solved it already. MRS HIGGINS No, you two infinitely stupid male creatures: the problem of what is to be done with her afterwards. HIGGINS I dont see anything in that. She can go her own way, with all the advantages I have given her. Act I - 08 Act II - 42 Act III - 118 Act IV - 167 Act V - 191 |