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before the world!

Mr Casey raised his clenched fist and brought it down on the table with a crash.

-Very well, then, he shouted hoarsely, if it comes to that, no God for Ireland!

-John! John! cried Mr Dedalus, seizing his guest by the coatsleeve.

Dante stared across the table, her cheeks shaking. Mr Casey struggled up from his chair and bent across the table towards her, scraping the air from before his eyes with one hand as though he were tearing aside a cobweb.

-No God for Ireland! he cried. We have had too much God in Ireland. Away with God!

-Blasphemer! Devil! screamed Dante, starting to her feet and almost spitting in his face.

Uncle Charles and Mr Dedalus pulled Mr Casey back into his chair again, talking to him from both sides reasonably. He stared before him out of his dark flaming eyes, repeating:

-Away with God, I say!

Dante shoved her chair violently aside and left the table, upsetting her napkin-ring which rolled slowly along the carpet and came to rest against the foot of an easychair. Mrs Dedalus rose quickly and followed her towards the door. At the door Dante turned round violently and shouted down the room, her cheeks flushed and quivering with rage:

-Devil out of hell! We won! We crushed him to death! Fiend!

The door slammed behind her.

Mr Casey, freeing his arms from his holders, suddenly bowed his head on his hands with a sob of pain.

-Poor Parnell! he cried loudly. My dead king!

He sobbed loudly and bitterly.

Stephen, raising his terrorstricken face, saw that his father’s eyes were full of tears.

The fellows talked together in little groups.

One fellow said:

-They were caught near the Hill of Lyons.

-Who caught them?

-Mr Gleeson and the minister. They were on a car.

The same fellow added:

-A fellow in the higher line told me.

Fleming asked:

-But why did they run away, tell us?

-I know why, Cecil Thunder said. Because they had fecked cash out of the rector’s room.

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