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A Digression When some days afterward in reference to the
singularity just mentioned, the Purser, a rather ruddy rotund
person more accurate as an accountant than profound as a
philosopher, said at mess to the Surgeon, “What testimony to the
force lodged in will-power,” the latter-saturnine, spare and tall,
one in whom a discreet causticity went along with a manner less
genial than polite, replied, “Your pardon, Mr. Purser. In a hanging
scientifically conducted-and under special orders I myself directed
how Budd’s was to be effected-any movement following the
completed suspension and originating in the body suspended, such
movement indicates mechanical spasm in the muscular system.
Hence the absence of that is no more attributable to will-power as
you call it than to horse-power-begging your pardon.” “But this
muscular spasm you speak of, is not that in a degree more or less
invariable in these cases?” “Assuredly so, Mr. Purser.” “How then,
my good sir, do you account for its absence in this instance?” “Mr.
Purser, it is clear that your sense of the singularity in this matter
equals not mine. You account for it by what you call will-power, a
term not yet included in the lexicon of science. For me I do not,
with my present knowledge, pretend to account for it at all. Even
should we assume the hypothesis that at the first touch
of the halyards the action of Budd’s heart, intensified by
extraordinary emotion at its climax, abruptly stopt-much like a
watch when in carelessly winding it up you strain at the finish,
thus snapping the chain-even under that hypothesis, how account
for the phenomenon that followed?” “You admit then that the
absence of spasmodic movement was phenomenal.” “It was
phenomenal, Mr. Purser, in the sense that it was an appearance the
cause of which is not immediately to be assigned.” “But tell me, my
dear Sir,” pertinaciously continued the other, “was the man’s death
effected by the halter, or was it a species of euthanasia?”
“Euthanasia, Mr. Purser, is something like your will-power: I
doubt its authenticity as a scientific term-begging your pardon
again. It is at once imaginative and metaphysical,- in short, Greek.
But,” abruptly changing his tone, “there is a case in the sick-bay
that I do not care to leave to my assistants. Beg your pardon, but
excuse me.” And rising from the mess he formally withdrew.
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