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In a seventy-four of the old order the deck known as the upper gun
deck was the one covered over by the spar-deck which last though
not without its armament was for the most part exposed to the
weather. In general it was at all hours free from hammocks; those
of the crew swinging on the lower gun deck, and berthdeck, the
latter being not only a dormitory but also the place for the stowing
of the sailors’ bags, and on both sides lined with the large chests or
movable pantries of the many messes of the men.

On the starboard side of the Indomitable’s upper gun deck, behold
Billy Budd under sentry, lying prone in irons, in one of the bays
formed by the regular spacing of the guns comprising the batteries
on either side. All these pieces were of the heavier calibre of that
period. Mounted on lumbering wooden carriages they were
hampered with cumbersome harness of breechen and strong side-
tackles for running them out. Guns and carriages, together with the
long rammers and shorter lintstocks lodged in loops overhead-all
these, as customary, were painted black; and the heavy hempen
breechens, tarred to the same tint, wore the like livery of the
undertakers. In contrast with the funereal hue of these
surroundings the prone sailor’s exterior apparel, white jumper and
white duck trousers, each more or less soiled, dimly glimmered in
the obscure light of the bay like a patch of discolored snow in early
April lingering at some upland cave’s black mouth. In effect he is
already in his shroud or the garments that shall serve him in lieu of
one. Over him, but scarce illuminating him, two battle-lanterns
swing from two massive beams of
the deck above. Fed with the oil supplied by the war-contractors
(whose gains, honest or otherwise, are in every land an anticipated
portion of the harvest of death), with flickering splashes of dirty
yellow light they pollute the pale moonshine all but ineffectually
struggling in obstructed flecks thro’ the open ports from which the
tompioned cannon protrude. Other lanterns at intervals serve but
to bring out somewhat the obscurer bays which, like small
confessionals or sidechapels in a cathedral, branch from the long
dim-vistaed broad aisle between the two batteries of that covered

Such was the deck where now lay the Handsome Sailor. Through
the rose-tan of his complexion, no pallor could have shown. It
would have taken days of sequestration from the winds and the
sun to have brought about the effacement of that. But the skeleton
in the cheekbone at the point of its angle was just beginning
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