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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Billy Budd by Herman Melville

practical and moral, and when it is imperative promptly to act. The
greater the fog the more it imperils the steamer, and speed is put
on tho’ at the hazard of running somebody down. Little ween the
snug card-players in the cabin of the responsibilities of the
sleepless man on the bridge.” In brief, Billy Budd was formally
convicted and sentenced to be hung at the yard-arm in the early
morning watch, it being now night. Otherwise, as is customary in
such cases, the sentence would forthwith have been carried out. In
war-time on the field or in the fleet, a mortal punishment decreed
by a drum-head court-on the field sometimes decreed by but a
nod from the General-follows without delay on the heel of
conviction without appeal.
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