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malice between us. I never bore malice against the Master-at-arms.
I am sorry that he is dead. I did not mean to kill him. Could I have
used my tongue I would not have struck him. But he foully lied to
my face and in presence of my Captain, and I had to say
something, and I could only say it with a blow, God help me!” In
the impulsive above-board manner of the frank one, the court saw
confirmed all that was implied in words that just previously had
perplexed them, coming as they did from the testifier to the
tragedy and promptly following Billy’s
impassioned disclaimer of mutinous intent-Captain Vere’s words,
“I believe you, my man.” Next it was asked of him whether he
knew of or suspected aught savoring of incipient trouble (meaning
mutiny, tho’ the explicit term was avoided) going on in any section
of the ship’s company.

The reply lingered. This was naturally imputed by the court to the
same vocal embarrassment which had retarded or obstructed
previous answers. But in main it was otherwise here; the question
immediately recalling to Billy’s mind the interview with the
afterguardsman in the fore-chains. But an innate repugnance to
playing a part at all approaching that of an informer against one’s
own shipmatesthe same erring sense of uninstructed honor which
had stood in the way of his reporting the matter at the time though
as a loyal man-of-war-man it was incumbent on him, and failure so
to do if charged against him and proven, would have subjected
him to the heaviest of penalties; this, with the blind feeling now
his, that nothing really was being hatched, prevailed with him.
When the answer came it was a negative.

“One question more,” said the officer of marines now first
speaking and with a troubled earnestness. “You tell us that what
the Master-at-arms said against you was a lie. Now why should he
have so lied, so maliciously lied, since you declare there was no
malice between you?” At that question unintentionally touching on
a spiritual sphere wholly obscure to Billy’s thoughts, he was
nonplussed, evincing a confusion indeed that some ob-
servers, such as can readily be imagined, would have construed
into involuntary evidence of hidden guilt. Nevertheless he strove
some way to answer, but all at once relinquished the vain
endeavor, at the same time turning an appealing glance towards
Captain Vere as deeming him his best helper and friend. Captain
Vere who had been seated for a time rose to his feet, addressing the
interrogator. “The question you put to him comes naturally
enough. But how can he rightly answer it? or anybody else? unless
indeed it be he who lies within there,” designating the
compartment where lay the corpse. “But the prone one there will
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