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<- Previous | First | Next -> Digital Library - - Billy Budd by Herman Melville

Vere advanced to meet him, thus unconsciously intercepting his
view of Claggart, and interrupting the other’s wonted ceremonious
salutation, said, “Nay, tell me how it is with yonder man,”
directing his attention to the prostrate one.

The Surgeon looked, and for all his self-command, somewhat
started at the abrupt revelation. On Claggart’s always pallid
complexion, thick black blood was now oozing from nostril and
ear. To the gazer’s professional eye it was unmistakably no living
man that he saw.

“Is it so then?” said Captain Vere intently watching him. “I thought
it. But verify it.” Whereupon the customary tests confirmed the
Surgeon’s first glance, who now looking up in unfeigned concern,
cast a look of intense inquisitiveness upon his superior. But
Captain Vere, with one hand to his brow, was standing motionless.
Suddenly, catching the Surgeon’s arm convulsively, he exclaimed,
pointing down to the body-“It is the divine judgement on Ananias!
Look!” Disturbed by the excited manner he had never before
observed in the Indomitable’s Captain, and as yet wholly ignorant
of the affair, the prudent Surgeon nevertheless held his peace, only
again looking an earnest interrogation as to what it was that had
resulted in such a tragedy.

But Captain Vere was now again motionless standing absorbed in

But again starting, he vehemently exclaimed-“Struck dead by an
angel of God! Yet the angel must hang!” At these passionate
interjections, mere incoherences to the listener as yet unapprised of
the antecedents, the Surgeon was profoundly discomposed. But
now as recollecting himself, Captain Vere in less passionate tone
briefly related the circumstances leading up to the event.

“But come; we must despatch,” he added. “me to remove him”
(meaning the body) “to yonder compartment,” designating one
opposite that where the Foretopman remained immured. Anew
disturbed by a request that as implying a desire for secrecy,
seemed unaccountably strange to him, there was nothing for the
subordinate to do but comply.

“Go now,” said Captain Vere with something of his wonted
manner-“Go now.

I shall presently call a drum-head court. Tell the lieutenants what
has happened, and tell Mr. Mordant,” meaning the Captain of
Marines, “and charge them to keep the matter to themselves.”
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