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accuser; and he thought this could be done in a quiet
undemonstrative way.

The measure he determined upon involved a shifting of the scene,
a transfer to a place less exposed to observation than the broad
quarter-deck. For although the few gun-room officers there at the
time had, in due observance of naval etiquette, withdrawn to
leeward the moment Captain Vere had begun his promenade on
the deck’s weather-side; and tho’ during the colloquy with
Claggart they of course ventured not to diminish the distance; and
though throughout the interview Captain Vere’s voice was far from
high, and Claggart’s silvery and low; and the wind in the cordage
and the wash of the sea helped the more to put them beyond
earshot; nevertheless, the interview’s continuance already had
attracted observation from some topmen aloft and other sailors in
the waist or further forward.

Having determined upon his measures, Captain Vere forthwith
took action.

Abruptly turning to Claggart he asked, “Master-at-arms, is it now
Budd’s watch aloft?” “No, Your Honor.” Whereupon, “Mr.
Wilkes!” summoning the nearest midshipman, “tell Albert to come
to me.” Albert was the Captain’s hammock-boy, a sort of sea-valet
in whose discretion and fidelity his master had much confidence.
The lad appeared. “You know Budd the Foretopman?” “I do, Sir.”
“Go find him. It is his watch off. Manage to tell him out of earshot
that he is wanted aft. Contrive it that he speaks to nobody. Keep
him in talk yourself. And not till you get well aft here, not till then
let him know that the place where he is wanted is my cabin. You
understand. Go.- Master-at-arms, show yourself on the decks
below, and when you think it time for Albert to be coming with his
man, stand by quietly to follow the sailor in.”
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