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This incident sorely puzzled Billy Budd. It was an entirely new
experience; the first time in his life that he
had ever been personally approached in underhand intriguing
fashion. Prior to this encounter he had known nothing of the
afterguardsman, the two men being stationed wide apart, one
forward and aloft during his watch, the other on deck and aft.
What could it mean? And could they really be guineas, those two
glittering objects the interloper had held up to his eyes? Where
could the fellow get guineas? Why even spare buttons are not so
plentiful at sea. The more he turned the matter over, the more he
was non-plussed, and made uneasy and discomforted. In his
disgustful recoil from an overture which tho’ he but ill
comprehended he instinctively knew must involve evil of some
sort, Billy Budd was like a young horse fresh from the pasture
suddenly inhaling a vile whiff from some chemical factory, and by
repeated snortings tries to get it out of his nostrils and lungs. This
frame of mind barred all desire of holding further parley with the
fellow, even were it but for the purpose of gaining some
enlightenment as to his design in approaching him. And yet he was
not without natural curiosity to see how such a visitor in the dark
would look in broad day. He espied him the following afternoon,
in his first dog-watch, below, one of the smokers on that forward
part of the upper gun deck allotted to the pipe. He recognized him
by his general cut and build, more than by his round freckled face
and glassy eyes of pale blue, veiled with lashes all but white. And
yet Billy was a bit uncertain whether indeed it were he-yonder
about his own age chatting and laughing in free-hearted way,
leaning against a gun; a genial young fellow enough to look at, and
something of a rattlebrain, to all appearance. Rather chubby too for
a sailor, even an afterguardsman. In short the last man in the
world, one would think, to be overburthened with thoughts,
especially those perilous thoughts that must needs belong to a
conspirator in any serious project, or even to the underling of such
a conspirator.

Altho’ Billy was not aware of it, the fellow, with a sidelong
watchful glance had perceived Billy first, and then noting that Billy
was looking at him, thereupon nodded a familiar sort of friendly
recognition as to an old acquaintance, without interrupting the talk
he was engaged in with the group of smokers. A day or two
afterwards, chancing in the evening promenade on a gun deck to
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