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Pale ire, envy and despair That Claggart’s figure was not amiss,
and his face, save the chin, well moulded, has already been said.
Of these favorable points he seemed not insensible, for he was not
only neat but careful in his dress. But the form of Billy Budd was
heroic; and if his face was without the intellectual look of the pallid
Claggart’s, not the less was it lit, like his, from within, though from
a different source.

The bonfire in his heart made luminous the rose-tan in his cheek.
In view of the marked contrast between the persons of the twain, it
is more than probable that when the Master-at-arms in the scene
last given applied to the sailor the proverb Handsome is as
handsome does, he there let escape an ironic inkling, not caught by
the young sailors who heard it, as to what it was that had first
moved him against Billy, namely, his significant personal beauty.
Now envy and antipathy, passions irreconcilable in reason,
nevertheless in fact may spring conjoined like Chang and Eng in
one birth. Is Envy then such a monster? Well, though many an
arraigned mortal has in hopes of mitigated penalty pleaded guilty
to horrible actions, did ever anybody seriously confess to envy?
Something there is in it universally felt to be more shameful than
even felonious crime. And not only does everybody disown it, but
the better sort are inclined to incredulity when it is in earnest
imputed to an intelligent man. But since its lodgement is in the
heart not the brain, no degree of intellect supplies a guaran-
tee against it. But Claggart’s was no vulgar form of the passion.
Nor, as directed toward Billy Budd, did it partake of that streak of
apprehensive jealousy that marred Saul’s visage perturbedly
brooding on the comely young David. Claggart’s envy struck
deeper. If askance he eyed the good looks, cheery health and frank
enjoyment of young life in Billy Budd, it was because these went
along with a nature that, as Claggart magnetically felt, had in its
simplicity never willed malice or experienced the reactionary bite
of that serpent. To him, the spirit lodged within Billy, and looking
out from his welkin eyes as from windows, that ineffability it was
which made the dimple in his dyed cheek, suppled his joints, and
dancing in his yellow curls made him preeminently the Handsome

One person excepted, the Master-at-arms was perhaps the only
man in the ship intellectually capable of adequately appreciating
the moral phenomenon presented in Billy Budd. And the insight
but intensified his passion, which assuming various secret forms
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