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respectable that against him nothing was ever openly said tho’
among the few something was whispered, “Yes, X__ is a nut not to
be cracked by the tap of a lady’s fan. You are aware that I am the
adherent of no organized religion much less of any philosophy
built into a system. Well, for all that, I think that to try and get into
X__, enter his labyrinth and get out again, without a clue derived
from some source other than what is known as knowledge of the
world-that were hardly possible, at least for me.”

“Why,” said I, “X__, however singular a study to some, is yet
human, and knowledge of the world assuredly implies the
knowledge of human nature, and in most of its varieties.” “Yes, but
a superficial knowledge of it, serving ordinary purposes. But for
anything deeper, I am not certain whether to know the world and
to know human nature be not two distinct branches of knowledge,
which while they may coexist in the same heart, yet either may
exist with little or nothing of the other. Nay, in an average man of
the world, his constant rubbing with it blunts that fine spiritual
insight indispensable to the understanding of the essential in
certain exceptional characters, whether evil ones or good. In a
matter of some importance I have seen a girl wind an old lawyer
about her little finger. Nor was it the dotage of senile love. Nothing
of the sort. But he knew law better than he knew the girl’s heart.
Coke and Blackstone hardly shed so much light into obscure
spiritual places as the Hebrew prophets. And who were they?
Mostly recluses.” At the time my inexperience was such that I did
not quite see the drift of all this. It may be that I see it now. And,
indeed, if that lexicon which is based on Holy Writ were any
longer popular, one might with less difficulty define and
denominate certain phenomenal men. As it is, one must turn to
some authority not liable to the charge of being tinctured with the
Biblical element.

In a list of definitions included in the authentic translation of Plato,
a list attributed to him, occurs this: “Natural Depravity: a
depravity according to nature.” A definition which tho’ savoring of
Calvinism, by no means involves Calvin’s
dogmas as to total mankind. Evidently its intent makes it
applicable but to individuals. Not many are the examples of this
depravity which the gallows and jail supply. At any rate for
notable instances, since these have no vulgar alloy of the brute in
them, but invariably are dominated by intellectuality, one must go
elsewhere. Civilization, especially if of the austerer sort, is
auspicious to it. It folds itself in the mantle of respectability. It has
its certain negative virtues serving as silent auxiliaries. It never
allows wine to get within its guard. It is not going too far to say
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