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And him the Hetwaras did in battle beat, And valiantly achieved
by their over-might That he, the byrnie-breasted, bowed and fell in
fight To give unto his chivalry no more the treasures bright.

And ever thereafter could our Geatish clan
Count on little kindness from the Merovingian.
Nor do I wait from Swedefolk aught but fray and feud-- For
widely couth the story is how Ongentheow, the good, Slaughtered
Haethcyn, Hrethel’s son, off at Ravenswood. [In wanton over-
weening, in earlier times before, We Geatish folk had ravaged the
Scylfings great in war; Anon Ohthere’s father, the ancient
Ongentheow, Old and full of fury, gave a counter-blow, Killed the
Viking Haethcyn, and freed his captive wife,The venerable lady,
berobbed of gold in strife, She who’d born him Onela and Ohthere
of yore,-- And followed then the foemen, until, forlorn and sore,
They hid themselves in Ravensholt, their Leader being dead.
Ongentheow beset then, with a host outspread, This remnant of the
carnage with wounds o’erwearied.

The live-long night he menaced with woe the wretched herd:
With sword-edge in the morning he’d mow them, was his word,
Or hang them on the gallows-tree, a sport for every bird.

But comfort to the downcast came with dawn of day, When heard
they horn of Hygelac and trumpet boom away, As fared he on the
track of them with his war-array.]
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