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“Lo, whoso will speak sooth, can say one thing:
That, when he gave ye good gear, he, your Lord and King, Gave
the battle-harness ye are standing in, He threw away those war-
weeds, unto shame and sin, When the fight befell him-and oft
enough withal Bestowed he at the ale-bench on sitters in the hall,
This King unto his clansmen, helm and byrnie-gear, The finest he
could find for ye, from afar or near.

In sooth had he, your Folk-King, little cause to vaunt Of comrades
in this conquest! But God was kind to grant, The Wielder over
victories, that with knife, alone, When he had need of valor, he laid
the Monster prone.

Little could I offer of aid at the fight, Yet I helped my Kinsman
beyond my might.

When I struck the deadly Foeman with my sword, Thereby was he
the weaker and the slower poured The fire from the wits of him. Of
helpers, small the sum That thronged around the Chieftain when
his hour had come.

How shall fail forever for your Kin abhorred The getting of the
gold-rings, the gifting of the sword, All the mirth of land of birth.
Every man shall roam,
Beggared of his freehold, from his burg and home, When
aethelings from far away shall hear your deed of blame, This your
flight, ye cowards. For one of jarlman’s name, Death itself is better
than a life of shame.”
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