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fierce and dire, To seek his Foes, the loathed men. Was burnt in
waves of fire His buckler to the very boss. Nor yet his byrnie might
Serve to shelter Wiglaf, the young Spear-Wight.

So dodged the Youth right speedily his Kinsman’s shield behind,
Now his own was all consumed by the fury-wind.

Then again the War-King his glory called to mind, And smote he
then by main-strength with his battle-glaive, That, under impulse
of his hate, to the head it drave.

But Naegling was shivered: failed him in the fray, This the sword
of Beowulf, etched and old and gray.

To him it was not given that any edge of brand Him could help at
battle; so strong his arm and hand, As I have heard the story, that
every blade so’er He overtaxed in swinging it, when he to battle
bare A weapon wondrous hardy. ‘T would stead him not a whit.
Then was the People-Scather, a third time too, This bold Fire-
Dragon, mindful to do; He rushed upon the Hero, where his
chance was fit, Hot and battle-ugly. All the neck he bit With his
bitter fang-teeth. To death the Geat was hurt, Bloodied o’er with
his own gore, in welling wave and spurt.
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