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Fare afar no longer on the hero’s frame.
Never joy of harp now, the glee-wood’s game; Never now the good
hawk swingeth through the hall; Never now the swift horse
beateth court or stall; Of my kith hath battle-death sent... forth...
all.” Thus, with soul of sorrow, alone he mourned the rest; By day
and night he wandered, blitheless of breast, Till waves of death
o’erwhelmed him. His Hoard of dead delight That old Dusk-
Scather, who flieth in the night, Enfolded in fire, found all open
there That naked Poison-Dragon, who, burning through the air,
Seeketh out the barrows. Him the folk on fold Dreadeth very
sorely. He needs must seek, I’m told, For hoards within the earth
and guard the heathen gold, Worm of many winters-no good
thereby gets he!

So this Plague-of-people for winters hundreds three, This Drake so
huge and mighty, held within the ground His own hoard-cavern,
until the man who found Roused his wrath in bosom. The golden
tankard then He bare unto his Master; and begged for peace again
Of him, his angry Owner. Thus plundered was the den, The hoard
of booty lessened. The wretch received his boon.

His lord now first did look upon the olden work of men; And
when the Worm awoke, there was a new woe soon.

Along the stone he snuffed there, this Stark-Heart dread, And
found the foeman’s footprints, who with secret tread Had stepped
there too forward near his Dragon-head.

(Thus may a man not fey yet survive, where’er he trod, Woe and
ways of exile who owns the grace of God.) Greedily the Hoard-
Ward sought along the ground To find the man who gave his heart
asleep so sore a wound; Hot and fierce, he circled the barrow all
around; But in that barren moorland not any man he found.

Yet war was in his marrow, on battle-work his thought,Whiles
darted into barrow, the precious flagon sought.

Soon he found that some man had searched out his gold, His
treasure-trove so lordly. Though restive he and bold, The Hoard-
Ward bided until the evening came; Awrath the barrow’s Keeper
would requite with flame The dear drink-flagon.... Now the day
was fled, To the joy of Dragon. Blazing now he sped, Folded in
fire, forth from the wall.

That was a beginning horrible for all; And folk within that
Kingdom soon thereafter kenned
In fate of their Ring-Giver thereof the awful end.
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