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O that was unto Hrothgar the sorrowfullest stroke Of all that long
beset him, this Chieftain of a folk.

Then the grieving Sovran begged me by thy life To do a deed of
earlship amid the billows’ strife, To venture there my being and
win me renown.

He vowed to me a meed for that. This Warden under mere, I
found, this Grim and Grisly, this Wave-Thing widely known.
Hand to hand the twain of us a while fought here.

With gore up-welled the waters; off I carved the head Of this
Grendel’s Mother with a falchion dread, In under-water hall of
hers. With life I got away, Though sorely and barely-as yet I was
not fey.

Then did the Shield of jarlmen, give, as erst he’d done, To me full
many a treasure, Halfdane’s Son.
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