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The Haven Guard was straightway helping at the strand, He who
long already, eager by the mere, Had been awatching far-off for
the men so dear.

He bound that boat of bosom broad with anchor-cordage fast, Lest
this their merry vessel the waves away should cast; Then Beowulf
bade bear out the wealth of aethelings,
The plated gold and trappings.

Not far from here it is To seek the son of Hrethel, Giver-of-the-
Rings, Where at home he dwelleth, himself with comrades
his,Hyglac near the sea-wall. That house was very fair; Its lord a
King renowned, the halls were lofty there; And Hygd, of Haereth
daughter, was young, but well-beseen, Albeit so few her winters
within the burg as queenAye, none the less no chary, no niggard
lady she Unto the Geats with giftings, but one with treasures free.
[Hygd, the goodly Folk-Queen, showed not the mood of Thryth,
Nor Thryth’s misdeeds of terror. Was none of kin and kith So
brave, he durst adventure with eyes to face her eyes (Except her
husband only). For well would he surmise Bonds of death would
ready be, a hand-twisted cord; And hard upon his seizure she’d
summon her the sword, For scrolled blade to settle it, and thus his
death reveal.

‘T is not a queenly custom, for woman so to deal, E’en though she
be so fair of face, aye, such a man to kill (She who’s called ‘Peace-
Weaver’), in fury for no ill.

But Hemming’s kinsman verily did end her ruthless pride, And
men amid their ale-drinking often said beside
That less she wrought of folk-bale, and less all mercy scorned, So
soon as she was given, she, the gold-adorned, Unto the youthful
Fighter, the high-born and good, When at her father’s bidding she
voyaged o’er the flood, Unto the hall of Offa; where after on the
throne All her life she loved her lot, with a fair renown; And
fostered a deep fondness toward this Prince of thanes The best, as
some have told me, in all the wide domains, Of all the race of
mankind, that dwell the seas between; And therefore this Offa, this
Man spear-keen, Widely was honored for wars and gifts of hand;
With wisdom he ruled his own home-land.

And unto him was born, then, Eomaer, a son Grandson of
Garmund, of Hemming’s kinsman one, A mighty man in battle, a
help to every band.
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