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Went to seek his seat then, the Geat so free of sorrow, As the Wise
One bade him. And now, as erst, again The feast was dight so
fairly for valor-famous men, The sitters in that hall-house.... The
helmet of the night Darkened dusky o’er the band. Arose each
warrior-wight; The hoary aged Scylding was fain to seek his bed;
The Geat did list him passing well to lay to rest his head, He, the
famous Shieldman. And soon the Thane-in-hall Who tended with
meet courtesy the Hero’s needments all (Ev’n as these ocean-farers
were worthy of the best) Led forth the Hero come from far, weary
from his quest.

So rested he, the Great-Heart. That House it towered high, Broad-
roofed, gold-bright. Within it slept the guest, Until the black raven
with his blithesome cry Boded the Joy-of-Heaven. Onward came
the Bright, The Shine that follows shadow. Hastened every wight;
Aethelings were eager back to folk to fare; The Big-Heart would
take ship far away from there.

Bade he then, this Brave One, Unferth Hrunting bear, Bade him
take his sword again, the iron blade so lief; Thanked him for the
loan thereof; quoth, he counted it A friend-in-war, a good and
great; belied he not a whit
The edge of Unferth’s falchion. That was a gallant chief!

And when the braves were forward, ready in their gear, Then
stepped he forth, the Hero, he to Danes so dear, To where was
there the Other high on kingly seat, And then this battling
Aetheling did his Hrothgar greet.
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