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Too long the waves of sorrow had lamed this man of strife; To jarls,
to all the aethelings, he’d been a care for life.

And often in the old days, the wanderings of their chief
Had been to his sage vassals a weary thing of grief, To many a one
who’d trusted he’d be a help from harm, Prosper as a king’s bairn,
achieve his father’s arm, And folk and hoard and stronghold guard
from hostile band This kingdom of the heroes, the Scyldings’

Therein the Kin of Hygelac a fairer virtue showed To all, to friends,
to all mankind-than crime-curst Heremod.

So homeward, oft aracing, these warriors old and young With swift
horses followed the paths along.

Now was the sun-of-morning urged higher up the skies; Went
many a bold retainer to see the wondrous prize At the high hall
Heorot. The King himself no less, The Warder of the ring-hoard,
famed for worthiness, From out the wedding-bowers strode in
royal sheen, Girt by many clansmen; and, lo, with him the Queen
With troop of maidens measured the mead-path to the scene.
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