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The Scop strikes louder notes upon his harp and he chants with so
much fire that we in our banquet hall keep our hands fixed in the
handles of our tankards and forget to drink. For he tells how
Grendel burst the door of Heorot, greedy for man-flesh and
unwitting the welcome he would get, and how Grendel up a
sleeping Geat, and how, to his eternal sorrow, he then laid paws
upon Beowulf. Fierce indeed was that wrestling, and it was a
wonder that Heorot, so battered and shaken, did not tumble down
on the heads of all. And the Danes, who were waiting yonder on
the wall of the Burg, heard the night-shrieks of Grendel in the grip
of the Strong One.

And now from out the moorland, under the misty slopes, Came
astalking Grendel-God’s anger on his hopes.

That Scather foul was minded to snare of human kin Some one, or
sundry, that high hall within.

Under the welkin strode he, until full well he spied The wine-
house, the gold-hall, with fret-work glittering wide.

Nor was that the first time Hrothgar’s home he sought.
Yet never in his life-days, late or early, aught Like this harsh
welcome found he from thanemen in the hall.

He came afooting onward to the house withal,
This warring One that ever had been from bliss out-cast; Forthwith
the door sprang open, with forged-bolts though fast, When with
his paws he pressed it; yea, then, on bale-work bent, Swoln as he
was with fury, that house’s mouth he rent.

Anon the Fiend was treading the shining floor in there; On he
moved in anger; from eyes of him did glare, Unto fire likest, a light

He saw within the chamber many a man asleep, Kinsman band
together, of clanfolk a heap; Laughed his mood, was minded that
Hobgoblin grim, Ere the dawn to sunder each his life from limb,
Now that fill-of-feeding he weened awaited him!

But Wyrd it was that would not longer grant him might To seize
on more of mankind after that same night.

Was watching he, the stalwart Kin of Hygelac, How with grip the
Grisly would go at his attack.

He had no thought, this Goblin, that business to put off; But
pounced upon a sleeping man, starting quick enough!
Unthwartedly he slit him, bit his bone-box, drunk From his veins
the blood of him, gulped him chunk by chunk, Till soon, then, he
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