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Firm am I to do my jarlman’s deed withal, Or to dree my end-of-
days in this mead-hall.” Those words well pleased that woman,-
the Geatman’s battle-vows;

And gold-bedight she went, then, to sit beside her spouse, Folk-
Queen high-born. And once again there be Brave words spoken,
and hall-men in glee, And uproar of victor-folk-until the King
anon Would seek his evening resting-place, Halfdane’s Son.

He knew that battle waited the fiend on that high floor, After they
the sun-light could see no more, After the dun night was over all
about, And the shapes of shadow should come aprowling out, Wan
beneath the welkin. Together rose the clan; Then Hrothgar greeted
Beowulf, man wishing luck to man, Gave him of that wine-house
the power and sway, and swore:
“Never have I trusted to any man before,Not since I could heave
up hand and shield of me, This brave house of Danemen, until
now to thee.

Have now and hold it-this excelling hall!
Remember thy glory,- make known thy might to all!
Watch against the Wrathful! Each wish of thine I’ll do, If with thy
life thou seest this deed of daring through.”
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