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causeway? I’ve been out-post long, Long I’ve held the sea-watch,
lest a pirate throng In their fleet might sometime do our Daneland

Here have strangers never made them more at home; Yet to you no
word-of-leave from my kin hath come, No consent from braves
here. Never did I view O’er earth a mightier jarlman, than is one of
you, That Hero in his harness: yon Man in weapons dight, He is no
mere retainer, if tells his face aright, His peerless port and
presence! But know I must your kin, Your home, before from hence
ye (as if some spies ye bin) Farther fare on Daneland. Ye boatmen
of the brine,
Ye far-off dwellers, hear now this simple thought mine:
‘T were best forthwith ye tell me whence your comings be!”
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