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there din of slaughter-strife, As broke the bossed bucklers, the
shields that shelter life, In hands there of the hardy. Resounded
floor of hall, Till crumpled in the contest Garulf, best of all Who
dwelt in Frisian home-land,- son of Guthlaf, he-.

And with him many a good man. Hovered waveringly The raven,
swart and sallow-brown, about above the dead, And the light of
battle-swords flashed so and spread, It seemed as if on fire were all
Finn’s burg-stead.

I never heard that worthier e’er were men in war, Nor sixty fierce
defenders better fought before, Nor liegemen better paid back ever
the sweet mead Than Hnaef’s retainers Hnaef repaid by brave

And five days they fought there, so well that of that corps Never
fell a man there; but still they held the door.

And then a wounded hero wended him away; Said that now his
byrnie was broken through, His war-harness useless, his helmet
pierced too.

And then anon did ask him the Fender of the Folk, How the
bleeding warsmen were biding each stroke, Or which now of the
two braves...............

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