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The Aged in his anguish, and sent farewells to ye, And bade ye
that ye build him, for deeds of him, your Friend, A barrow, a high
one, yonder on land’s end, Memorial, mickle barrow, where his
pyre shall beFor worthiest warrior was he, wide across the earth,
Whilst still he wielded burg-wealth, of all of human birth.

Let us hasten yonder to seek and see anew Under wall the wonder-
the heap I’ll show to you; Where of rings and broad gold anear
enough ye’ll view.

Be the bier ready, ordered anon, By our coming back here; we will
bear him on, Our own Lord, our dear man, to where for long and
late In the Wielder’s shelter he’ll abide his fate.” Then the Boy of
Weohstan, Hero battle-stout, Bade order many warriors of
homesteads round about Thither to fetch the bale-wood from far
for him, the Great, Him, the people’s Ruler: “Now shall fire
devour, As wax the murky flames now, the flighter’s Man-of-
power, Him who oft abided of old the iron-shower, When the
storm of arrows, speeded by the strings, Shot above the shield-wall
swift on feathered wings, And shaft fulfilled its duty and drave the
barb to goal.”

Of sooth, the son of Weohstan, Wiglaf, wise of soul, Chose from
out the followers, thane-men of the Kings, The seven best together,
and under roof of hate Went he with the warriors, himself as one of
eight, And one who walked ahead there bare a torch in hand.

Nor was there any drawing-lots among that eager band For who
that Hoard should pillage, when they saw in hall It resting reft of
Keeper and lost it lying all.

And little were they mourning, as out they carried fast The
treasure-trove, the priceless. The Dragon, eke they cast, The Worm,
over the wall-cliff,- let the wave take, Let the flood embosom the
Hoard-Ward Drake.

The aethelings they piled a wain with twisted gold beyond a guess,
And bare the hoary Hero on, up Whale’s Ness.
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