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But erst had they espied there a stranger creature lying The Serpent
him beside there, loathed for flame and flying.

That Drake, the grim and grisly, was scorched by fire about; Fifty
foot he measured long, all stretched out.

Aloft he’d had his joy of air in night-times past, And down again
had gone to den. In death now fast, He would use his earthly lair
nevermore at last.

The jars and the goblets were standing by him here, And platters
here were lying, and good swords dear, Rusted and eaten through,
even as of old They’d housed in earth’s bosom a thousand winters

This heritage had magic might: this by-gone mortals’ gold Had
been by spells encircled, that none of human kind Could ever
touch that treasure-hall, save him whom God designed (The Sooth-
King of victories, Helper, he, of men), Whomsoe’er he deemed fit
to open hoard and den.
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