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Mary.’ ‘No; I want only one companion this morning, and that
must be you. Put on your things; go out by the kitchen-door: take
the road towards the head of Marsh Glen: I will join you in a
moment.’ I know no medium: I never in my life have known any
medium in my dealings with positive, hard characters, antagonistic
to my own, between absolute submission and determined revolt. I
have always faithfully observed the one, up to the very moment of
bursting, sometimes with volcanic vehemence, into the other; and
as neither present circumstances warranted, nor my present mood
inclined me to mutiny, I observed careful obedience to St. John’s
directions; and in ten minutes I was treading the wild track of the
glen, side by side with him.

The breeze was from the west: it came over the hills, sweet with
scents of heath and rush; the sky was of stainless blue; the stream
descending the ravine, swelled with past spring rains, poured
along plentiful and clear, catching golden gleams from the sun,
and sapphire tints from the firmament. As we advanced and left
the track, we trod a soft turf, mossy fine and emerald green,
minutely enamelled with a tiny white flower, and spangled with a
star-like yellow blossom: the hills, meantime, shut us quite in; for
the glen, towards its head, wound to their very core.

‘Let us rest here,’ said St. John, as we reached the first stragglers of
a battalion of rocks, guarding a sort of pass, beyond which the beck
rushed down a waterfall; and where, still a little farther, the
mountain shook off turf and flower, had only heath for raiment
and crag for gem-where it exaggerated the wild to the savage, and
exchanged the fresh for the frowning-where it guarded the forlorn
hope of solitude, and a last refuge for silence.

I took a seat: St. John stood near me. He looked up the pass and
down the hollow; his glance wandered away with the stream, and
returned to traverse the unclouded heaven which coloured it: he
removed his hat, let the breeze stir his hair and kiss his brow. He
seemed in communion with the genius of the haunt: with his eye
he bade farewell to something.

‘And I shall see it again,’ he said aloud, ‘in dreams when I sleep by
the Ganges: and again in a more remote hour-when another
slumber overcomes meon the shore of a darker stream!’ Strange
words of a strange love! An austere patriot’s passion for his
fatherland! He sat down; for half an hour we never spoke; neither
he to me nor I to him: that interval past, he recommenced ‘Jane, I
go in six weeks; I have taken my berth in an East Indiaman which
sails on the 20 th of June.’ ‘God will protect you; for you have
undertaken His work,’ I answered.
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